Saturday 30 December 2006

Ronin Samurai

Ronin in fiction
In modern works of fiction, ronin are often portrayed as yojimbo or as mercenary fighters. Akira Kurosawa's films Seven Samurai and Yojimbo are two widely known examples of jidaigeki that feature ronin. Thousands of other works of Japanese fiction, set in the Edo period, likewise have characters who are ronin.

Ronin have influenced western movies. Clint Eastwood's Man with No Name closely resembles a ronin. The movie The Magnificent Seven, a western remake of Seven Samurai, involves seven wandering men who are hired to protect a town against bandits.

"Ronin" as metaphor
The term rōnin is also used in modern Japan for those who have failed the entrance examination for a
university (or other school). This use derives from their having no school to attend, as a ronin samurai has no leader to serve.

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